Here is who EMC currently supports

  • International OCF Foundation

    The mission of the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) is to ensure that no one affected by OCD and related disorders suffers alone. Our community provides help, healing, and hope.

  • The Trevor Project

    Protecting our queer youth while working everyday to create a kinder, accepting and loving world.

  • Cara Collective

    Cara supports our Chicago community members who have lived through misfortune or missteps re-build their confidence, learn up to date essentials and get back to work!

  • Brave Space Alliance

    BSA is dedicated to creating and providing affirming, culturally competent, for-us by-us resources, programming, and services for LGBTQ+ individuals throughout the Chicagoland area.

  • My Block, My Hood, My City

    M3’s mission is to continue to inspire youth, empower communities, and build a better world one Chicago block at a time.

  • Human Rights Campaign

    The Human Rights Campaign envisions a world where every member of the LGBTQ+ family has the freedom to live their truth without fear, and with equality under the law.

  • Greater Chicago Food Depository

    We strive to end hunger by connecting our neighbors with healthy food and advancing solutions that address the root causes of hunger.